Concrete façade
Applied by BioCoat of Bionictechnology The Netherlands
Brick wall
Applied by BioCoat of Bionictechnology The Netherlands
Natural stone, seaside
Applied by BioCoat of Bionictechnology The Netherlands
Renovation, R Central Station platform
Applied by BioCoat of Bionictechnology The Netherlands
Stainless steel facade
Applied by BioCoat of Bionictechnology The Netherlands
Hotel Bathrooms
Applied by BioCoat of Bionictechnology The Netherlands
Bricks façade, building
Applied by nanoTop BRICK ProtectorPangyo, Korea
Wood frame, wooden house
Applied by nanoTop WOOD Protector Seosan, Korea
Stone façade, Granite, mansion
Applied by nanoTop STONE Protector Seongnam, Korea
Glass aisle, mansion
Applied by nanoTop GLASS Protector Seongnam, Korea
Store floor tile
Applied by nanoTop CERAMIC Protector Incheon, Korea
Living room floor, Porcelain tile, apartment
Applied by nanoTop CERAMIC Protector Suwon, Korea
Bricks façade, Public health care center
Applied by nanoTop BRICK Protector Gangreung, Korea
Bricks façade, mansion
Applied by nanoTop BRICK Protector Yongin, Korea
Stainless steel gate
Applied by nanoTop METAL Protector Hannamdong, Korea